A reprovação escolar como ameaça nas tramas da modernização pedagógica
Klein, Rejane Ramos
This work aims at analyzing how discursive webs about pedagogical modernization constitute school failure as a menace in the present. In the first stage of this research,
87 teachers from three public schools in São Leopoldo, in Rio Grande do Sul, answered a questionnaire, and some documents related to those schools as well as to the management of the teaching system were analyzed. In the second stage of the investigation, I selected some texts by classic authors from the early twentieth century who were representative of the international movement called New School. In those texts, I problematized the need for school modernization as a possibility condition to think about school failure in the present and as a strategy to better rule
the population. This analysis, which considered different historical periods and conceptualizations such as governmentality and normalization, was developed under
an archeogenealogical inspiration, used by Michel Foucault and other authors that have developed their studies in