Políticas de inclusão escolar: uma análise da atuação do Ministério Público nas escolas privadas de ensino regular de Porto Alegre, RS
Silva, Simone Martins da
Inclusive education is the theme of this thesis that aims to analyze the effects of the action taken by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (MPRS), through the Regional Education Prosecutor’s Office of Porto Alegre (Preduc-POA), when implementing school inclusion policies in private institutions of regular education in Porto Alegre, from 2016 to 2019. Therefore, this thesis uses the qualitative approach, and it operates with the combination and interrelation of the dialectical method categories – totality, contradiction, hegemony, and praxis –, allied to categories of content – experience, policies, barriers to learning and participation, support resources to learning and participation and support to diversity. Regarding data collection, we use document analysis complemented with quantitative information and questionnaire application to interlocutors from Preduc-POA and from private schools of Porto Alegre. Our results show a still incipient journey of implementation of cultures, policies, and inclusive practices at the private schools in this city. Although MPRS/Preduc-POA performance happens from an extrajudicial perspective and mobilizes positive effects on the implementation of inclusive policies at the above-mentioned school network, the emphasis of this action is aimed at the modality and the procedures of Special Education, such as the implantation of the Specialized Educational Service (AEE). However, MPRS performance, which is based on theoretical and methodological excerpts of this teaching modality to assess, raise awareness, and suggest improvements to the education that is offered. However, when such institution gives emphasis to approaches and procedures that consider mainly the modality of Special Education, it fails to approach inclusion as a possible practice, with analytical and reflective categories aimed at the reduction of barriers to learning and participation, at the support to diversity and at the support resources to learning and participation for everyone in the educational community. These concepts are highlighted in Index for Inclusion as fundamentals to a quality education and to the development of increasingly responsive and inclusive schools in the present and in the future. This study also reveals the compliance and awareness regarding the offer, by different actors of the school routine, of answers more adapted to the diversity that characterizes the human being and to the development of increasingly inclusive educational contexts, in which teachers, students and families can intervene, especially when they work together.