Webvisualidades televisivas: a remixabilidade profunda em HitRecord on TV
Cardoso, Reizel Martins
The purpose of the present dissertation is to set a tecnocultural overview on the television program HITRECORD ON TV, in order to approach its televised ethicities. The methodology of the frames, by Suzana Kilpp (2002), operates the procedures of cartography and dissection of the overlapped territories of signification where the synthetic image lies, therefore unveiling its imagicity through the problematization of the ethical and aesthetical aspects of the televisual construct: its frames, framing and enframings. The concept of deep remixability, by Lev Manovich (2013), is the during paradigm which we intend to authenticate onto the empirical object, this way producing what we have called televisual webvisualities. The televisual webvisualities is the concept we develop and it designates the algorithmic contagion between the web and televisual media that generates a paradigm shift of the imagetic texture on the panoramas, thus reflecting a technical and aesthetic contemporary communication phenomenon, as seen on the television screen.