Desafios na regionalização em casa quanto à formação de docentes de línguas adicionais, um estudo de caso no Mercosul: para integrar necessitamos de professores (Web) 2.0?
Cañete, Greici Lenir Reginatto
The internationalization is a matter that is on the agenda of the universities in globalization times, forcing them to suit to their teaching system to the international requirements and to the inter and multicultural dialogue. This, many times, affects the national andregional academic cultures and makes the education to have a market value. (ALTBACH, REISBERG, RUBLEY, 2009). Handling with the globalization impacts, there are çççefforts and regionalization policies – make it regional and to form economic, political and cultural blocks to deal with the globalization. (FAJARDO, 2007). One of the internationalization and regionalization strategies of the universities has been the academic mobility. However, the exchange programs require spending to the displacement in the HEI of destination, as well as the bureaucracy with visa, registration among others necessary actions that are necessary. One of the possible alternatives to minimize these issues is to make use of the ICTs, creating and developing subjects in virtual environment, through it can be built an interinstitutional dialogue. As the related disciplines approach, the task would be online with a joint planning. The purpose is to join groups of different countries in order of them to know each other, share and build new knowledge in a whole planning. For that purpose, in this search it was created a regionalization at home project between the Spanish major higher level educational institute in Brazil, one from Argentina and other from Uruguay, in order to analyse how professors of teachers training course of additional languages plan and interact with the goal of learning exchange among its students in three attempts: one by a closed group of Facebook and the two last using the Moodle plataform. This search has as theoretical reference the internationalization of Olson and Shoeonberg (2017), the regionalization of Fajardo (2007), Krawczyk (2008) and at home of Gonçalves (2009), the connected societies of Crook (2008), Zammit (2010) and Pontes (2011), the identities of Hall (2005) and the Gee (2000), the communities of practice of Wenger (2001), the (im)politiness communities of practice of Marlangeon (2004). The search is of qualitative nature and virtual ethnographic, according to Hine (2004), being of cooperative aspect according to Desgagné (2007) anchoring in the study of the case of Stake (1999) and André (2005). It has as data generation instruments the emails exchanged among the participant professors, the researcher and its guidance counselor the subjects planning, the researcher and teachers fields diaries, as well as semi structured interviews that were done in the end. The data analysis is based on the Computer-mediated
discourse of Herring (2004) and it was done by the themed units showed in the emails and in what was recurrent in the semi structured interviews.
The emails were put together by themed units in what were highlighted the speech acts more meaningful that were analysed according to Briz (2012). The results show that there was participation and cooperation among the professors group, however, not all of them got involved with the technology the same way. Besides, the institutional identities, researcher professors versus executors professors ones were very strong. There was also a lack of identification by part of them with the project, mainly among the foreigners because they saw it only as a doctoral thesis. During the interactions, it was clear that the academic hierarchies work in different forms from country to country. It is added to it that an exchange program as we thought requires an involvement with the ICTs in the sense of understanding the way of web’s work 2.0 to make it possible to regionalize without going home.