Sob nova direção “Passarela Performática”: metodologia de projeto para design, arte e moda
Cimadevila, Antônio Carlos Rabadan
This thesis proposes the practice of a flexible methodology, named here as Catwalk Performatic (PP), inspired by Strategic Design, in articulation between Design, Art and Fashion. Such methodology uses open principles and points out the importance of flexibility, of the performer, of collaboration and everything that is involved in that act of performance. The thematic is the PP as the methodology proposed by strategic design,
the starting point is the analysis of the so-called conceptual fashion show; posteriorly, realizing the elements that support PP, co-creation, culture, body and society. From the conceptual fashion show, the action that moves this project, within the scope of Design, goes through spectacularization and metadesign, forming the methodological principles that support the theory and corroborate the practice. The practices comprise two moments: an initial parade of free inspiration and also experimentation, which constituted the first experience, and the second, expressed in the following two experiences, which allowed the use of the methodology built by the author. It presents a procedure that will have freedom as its main characteristic, in addition to creativity as a space for performers, stimulated by culture and the experience of performativity, present in the Catwalk Performatic.