"Em busca de um sonho”: a maternidade para mulheres em situação de infertilidade
Cezne, Graziela Oliveira Miolo
This study aimed to identify women’s expectations, feelings, fears and desires on motherhood, human assisted reproduction technologies and infertility as well. Three blogs about infertility were analyzed. Each blog was considered as a case, characterizing a qualitative multiple cases study desing. The blogs’ authors were women (26 to 29 years old) that were married for more than a year. The findings were analyzed according two thematic axes: 1. the pregnancy and motherhood desire, and 2. feelings related to infertility and manners of handling with this condition and its treatment. The motherhood desire was manifested by participants, because the need to getting pregnant at any physical and psychic effort, in search of a narcissistic fulfillment. It was possible to note that human assisted reproduction treatment has increased their frustration and depreciation feelings. New studies could broaden the investigation about this theme, considering aspects such as the eventual repercussions of infertility experience