A divulgação científica por meio de blogs de revistas científicas
Ferreira, Rejane Ricardo
The purpose of the present master's thesis is to understand how blogs in scientific journals are organized and to what extent they help the process of disseminating science into wider society. Therefore was carried out a comparative study among three scientific dissemination blogs located at the websites of the magazines: Ciência Hoje, Mente e Cérebro and Scientific American Brasil. Aspects related to the organization of the informations and the different discursive strategies used by the enunciators to raise the internet users´ interest for reading were monitored. For the conceptual foundations, we used the Semiolinguistic theory, which supports the notion of communication contract proposed by Charaudeau (2008), and studies about hyperstructure by Adam and Lugrin (2000). Moreover, we used the classifications suggested by Primo (2011) on Interactivity and Xavier´s (2009) considerations about the notion of Hypertext, since we considered that the blogs show characteristics pertaining to web journalism initiatives. Ideas presented by experts on dissemination of scientific knowledge, like Zamboni (2001), Possenti (2001), Jurdant (2006), Charaudeau (2008) and Vogt (2006), among others, were used in present research. The challenge of our study is to show up strategies used by the mentioned blogs in scientific journals to attract and inform increasingly a wider number of readers.