As relações étnico-raciais na trajetória escolar de jovens do Quilombo Chácara das Rosas
Malonn, Carina
The present investigation addresses the issue of ethnic-racial relations in education and has as an empirical basis the young people of Quilombo Chácara das Rosas who finished elementary school until 2020. The research problem was defined from the questioning of how educational policies aimed at ethnic-racial relations impact the school trajectory of young people from Quilombo Chácara das Rosas - Canoas/RS. The general objective of this study seeks to analyze how ethnic-racial relations are perceived and meant by young quilombolas in the municipality in their school trajectories. The general objective defines three specific objectives: to characterize the Quilombo Chácara das Rosas and its presence in the municipality of Canoas/RS; to understand the perception of young people in relation to ethnic-racial relations in their school trajectories; to identify elements that impact the permanence of quilombola students in school. To answer the research problem, the theoreticalmethodological options are based on a qualitative approach, using data from documents and comprehensive interviews (KAUFFMANN, 2013), submitted to discourse analysis (MORAES, 1999). Regarding discourse analysis, it establishes connections between the contents of the interviews and educational policies, especially with the National Curriculum Guidelines for Quilombola School Education in elementary school, the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of EthnicRacial Relations and for the Teaching of History and Afro-Brazilian and African Culture and Law n. 10,639/2003, which includes the mandatory theme “Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture” in the official curriculum of the public and private education network. The theoretical foundation is based on the dialogue between 8 critical and post-critical studies (SILVA, 2005), on the conception of youths inserted in the epistemologies of the South (SANTOS; MENESES, 2009). The results obtained indicated that the relevance of education for ethnic-racial relations is understood by young people, however, they have punctual contact with the theme through the school, concentrated in specific moments in their school trajectories, which made them seek knowledge about their cultural origins through orality, in conversations held with their families inside the Quilombo. Ethnic-racial relations at school have crossings that involve the socialization of students, the training of teachers and other members committed to education. In addition to promoting existing educational policies, the need to articulate these and the creation of other educational policies is perceptible, especially with curriculum and continuing education policies, insofar as ethnic-racial relations presuppose paradigm shifts in education. The contents, actions and activities developed by the school influence the perception of young black people in the perception of themselves and their positioning in the community, therefore, the school presents itself as a powerful tool in the fight or maintenance of inequalities, depending on the work developed. The school has played a secondary role in the acquisition of knowledge related to AfroBrazilian and African culture in the interview participants, revealing the gap between what is implemented in practice and what is foreseen in educational policies.