| Dissertação
A arte pré-histórica no Extremo Sul Catarinense-SC: um estudo de caso do sitio de arte pré-histórica “Toca do Tatu” e das ocorrências Malacara, Josafaz I e Salto da Serrinha
Cezaro, Hérom Silva de
This Master thesis aims to map the record, the typological and technical analysis of the archaeological sites of prehistoric art registered in the foothills of the Santa Catarina general saw, within the research polygon Archaeology project Entre Rios of Urussanga to Mampituba, the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense-UNESC, and its comparison with the prehistoric art sites registered by others in nearby regions. The aim is to understand similarities and differences between graphic patterns, technical and environmental and thus contribute to the archaeological landscape and the Prehistoric Art of the southern tip of Santa Catarina. In handling the material they have widened the differences between sites and other occurrences registered in nearby areas but left a feeling of kinship between all sites in the region, its connection with the 'trodden tradition' of prints and, with respect to the executor population , stood the Itararé ceramic tradition.