Patrimônio cultural e nova história indígena nas terras baixas da América do Sul: os Guarani MBYA entre Clio, Cronos e Mnemosine
Pereira, Walmir da Silva
This study is inscribed in the confluence of the research fields of cultural heritage and a “new” Indian History, focusing on the coming up and the interest of the Guarani Mbya about the heritage and cultural heritage of the indian groups who live in Rio Grande do Sul, especially in the last decade of 20th century and the first decade of 21st century. For the Guarani Mbya, as shown in this work, value attribution and the meaning attached to the concepts of heritage and cultural heritage depend on this people knowledge building process. Furthermore, our study shows that the meaning production given to the cultural patrimony by the Guarani Mbya depends on the mythical reason and on the cosmological basis that support the way of live in the Indian world.