A publicidade oculta utilizada como estratégia de venda pelos denominados digital influencers nas redes sociais e a falta de regulamentação específica no Código de Defesa do Consumidor
Almeida, Bruna Mattos de
The resulting technological evolution from the 4th industrial revolution has
provided great advances in the internet, with better connectivity, speed and potential
for the contemporary world. Therefore, the changes that most stood out in society, for
making everything closer and easier, was the connectivity between people, the access
democratization to communication and information. This new and more connected
virtual world, made the emergence of a very powerful figure called the digital influencer.
They are people who has enormous power of voice and influence on social networks,
once they act in a simple and relaxed way when they are exposing their daily routines
and opinions to thousands of followers. Therefore, companies and brands invested in
these influencers to carry out advertising on these networks. However, many of these
advertising activities are being published in a hidden way, that means, it is not clear
identified to the consumer that it is a paid promotion. In addition, this hidden advertising
strategy carried out by digital influencers has no specific regulation at the CDC, it has
only valid interpretations. The one entity that seeks to inhibit such activities is CONAR,
but it acts only with an ethical character, with no coercive power. So, the present work
aims to analyze whether this lack of proper regulation make things easier to the
influencer do those hidden advertising, in order to manipulate the consumption
decision. The approach method of this study is exploratory and descriptive and was
written using secondary sources, including bibliographic review. It also examines the
history of the internet from the perspective of the social network, highlighting the role
of the influencer and his power of communication, especially in consumer behavior
when making the purchase decision, finally showing the cases of hidden advertising
by influencers and the ineffectiveness of this control. This leads to the conclusion that
digital influencers manipulate the consumer on purchase decision, especially when
such an opinion appears as a friendly advice and not properly identified as an
advertising activity, given that the current lack of specific legislation and the insufficient
performance of CONAR to regulate such an issue which is increasingly prevalent and
which, above everything, directly affects the consumer