"O corpo que habito": possibilidades de compreensão para a experiência do corpo amputado
Melo, Jailton Bezerra
Amputation is seen as the first surgical procedure done in human history and resonates differently in people who undergo this procedure, depending on the historical moment and the life story of each. This research aimed to understand the experience of people who underwent the amputation process. In trying to understand the guiding question of the study "How is the experience of inhabiting an amputated body?", was adopted the look of existential phenomenology, to Heidegger mode. The participants were six men aged between 20 and 59 years, who have gone through surgery for amputation, regardless of prior disease and the fact that they have already used prostheses. As a means of access to the experiences of the participants chose to stories collected in "Encounters Reflective" practice proposed by Heloisa Szymasnski, which proved as a possibility for exchange and preparation of participants experiênciaspelos of research on the various ways of inhabiting an amputated body. It was also used the "logbook" of the researcher as a record of impressions, observations and feelings to participate in the "Reflective Encounters". As a method for analysis of the narratives, was used the "Analytic of the Sense" of Dulce Critelli, which allowed the unveiling of the phenomenon studied. The results pointed to the lack of understanding and lack of preparation of the hospital staff that deals with amputation surgery with regard to care and listen to the person who is going through such an experience; was revealed that there is a move away from modern natural science to question the body from a perspective that considers the experience of the person who lived amputation; also revealed that for the participants, exist with an amputated body is going through many difficulties, with emphasis on how experience the current condition and the break with the habitual way of life. In this way, this work aims to contribute to the understanding of the lived experience of amputation by the participants, and enable reflections to help in the procedures developed by the interdisciplinary team together with people who have gone through such an experience.