| Dissertação
O centro de serviços compartilhados na instituição financeira digital : uma análise das fintechs e do impacto nas atuais estruturas de backoffice
Marcon, Roni
This paper aims to understand the main trends and the new role of financial institutions backoffice with the arrival of fintechs. Of qualitative nature, the research presented here is exploratory in terms of the ends, being a bibliographical research as to the means of investigation. The technique used to analyze the data was to analyze the content of the researched materials and at the end the research was complemented with a panel of experts aiming to give greater accuracy to the results achieved. One of the key findings of the industry trend is that banks and credit unions need to transform themselves by their own actions and innovations before they are forcibly affected by the innovations of others. The results of the research demonstrate the main differences between Fintech and traditional financial institutions, especially cost per transaction, disintermediation and backoffice. Are highlighted the risks that fintechs represent for banks and credit unions, highlighting the need to establish
partnerships as the best way for both. Both the literature review and the experts' opinions point to the continuity of CSC structures, but with profound transformations. To support these transformations the culture of companies, their employees and managers needs to change, for these new skills are required aligned to the ongoing digital transformation. The main contributions of this work are the delivery to the academic environment of study that relates fintechs with CSC and its tendencies, while for the professional medium the work delivers important tendencies to be observed in the conduction of the companies and areas. These are aspects related to individual and management skills, the adoption of new technologies and the clarity of knowing which services tend to cease to exist or change in greater depth.