ProUni: possibilidades e desafios para a emancipação de bolsistas no atual contexto do mundo do trabalho
Guimarães, Antônio Ademar
The theme presented in this thesis is related to the emancipation of Prouni scholarship holders in the current context of the labor market. The leading question inquired if the link of students to Higher Education enabled by Prouni has contributed to their social emancipation and the relation to the labor market. As the main goal, the research aimed at studying the educational path of Prouni young people to identify and analyze the influence of a Higher Education in their social emancipation and preparation to the labor market. The investigation process was organized in four axes based on the theory of some referential authors: Emancipating education (FREIRE,1979, 1996, 2005, 2015; THIOLLENT, 2006); Public policies and Prouni (HARVEY, 2008; TELLO, 2008, 2011, 2012; TEODORO, 2008, 2011); ethos that makes use of the studies and concepts of Dussel (1979) and Paulo Freire (2015); and the work (MARX, 2012; FRIGOTTO, 1999 and ANTUNES, 2009). The individuals of the research were students linked to Prouni, enrolled in an IES in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul State. The qualitative research of participative nature relied on elements provided by Orlando Fals Borda (2006), Brandão (2006) and Streck (2006). The technique of data production prioritized the Circles of Chatting based on the circles of culture from Paulo Freire (2005), through eight meetings and a socialization seminar, which generated a total of 25 hours of audios. As for the interpretation of data, the content analyses (BARDIN, 1977) was used. As result, we highlight that the students are carrying out their dream of attending a Higher Education due to a full scholarship from Prouni. In the face of the daily life demands, such as financial and housing instability, and tiredness, the support from their families has been fundamental, so that they can keep up with the challenges and continue studying. According to what was highlighted by the students, the support actions implemented through the offer of an extension program called Clinical Path: Theory and Practice, is what guarantees their effectiveness in the IES researched, preventing their evasion. This extension program works as a project incubator where the students present their themes and proposals, and receive support to enter into the work field. In conclusion, it is possible to assert that Prouni, as public policy, despite its limited outreach regarding the universalization of Higher Education, has partially accomplished its role contributing to the social emancipation of students who were able to access it.