Librete: uma plataforma para criação de booktrailler de literatura fantástica.
2019-08-05Registro en:
BRASILEIRO, Tifanny Valente. Librete : uma plataforma para criação de booktrailler de literatura fantástica. 2019. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduação em Indústrias Criativas. Mestrado em Indústrias Criativas, 2019.
Brasileiro, Tifanny Valente
The technique of booktrailer as a strategy for the dissemination of a literary work is something recent in Brazil, it has been a process of dissemination of a series of literary works and of low technical quality. Already in Europe and the United States, investing in booktrailers as the marketing tool is quite common, and reflects on the great quality of some productions. Thinking of providing new writers, literary fans, curious, and even small publishers a platform for the creation of booktrailers of Fantastic Literature aimed at the young adult-adult audience, following a narrative proposal with aesthetic elements that help in the assembly of this audiovisual, which results in an applicable digital advertising tool, this report presents the process of construction and validation of the Librete product, the theoretical and methodological references used and the results obtained.