Teologia Bíblica do Messianismo à Luz da Crítica Canônica
Silva Júnior, Jário Carlos da
In this present work, SILVA Jr proposes a bíblical theology of the messianism in according to canonical criticism and to the Joseph Comblin s understanding about the biblical messianism as a theme to the christianianity speaks about the ultimate reality. In the SILVA Jr s perspective, the biblical messianism is in order to reveal us a pneumatic eclesiology, and not a mere historicist libertation, a ultimate irreducible element, and not a politic praxis in a revolutionary way, like the social messianisms. In its final shape of the biblical canon, the Old Testament messianism has its roots in the alternative community proposed by Moses and its continuity in the promises
made to the David, but it will be the post-exilic community centered in the temple who rediscovers, in the middle the liturgical pilgrimages of intertestamentarial period, an increasing eschatological function of the Israel s remnant as the last place to mystical experience of the pneumatic ecclesiology just fully revealed in the neotestamentary
reinterpretation of the messianism applied by beloved disciple community. Just so, SILVA Jr demonstrates the focus of the Jesus messianism as being in the his communion to the Father operated by the Holy Spirit from the Nazareth s sinagoga, and also, he presents as the posterior reinterpretation applied by pauline theology understands the messianism as a most genuine Church s pneumatology, in which the sacramental experience is strictly relationed to the question on the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit, and not just to its historic mission from the Pentecost, in according to the joanine theology and, at the same time, to the orthodox theology in our days.