Da criação dos cursos de direito ao ensino jurídico (e sua crise) no Brasil: percursos e reflexos na escola jurídica do Piauí
Mota, Vitória Josefina Rocha D´almeida
The analysis of the Law education since its early days in Brazil, is recognized as an essential factor in the formation of the State itself, since the consolidation of a national legal thought starts with the arrival of the first law courses, in the first half of the XIX century. This dissertation is about the importance of Law education and its impacts on modern societies, with its complexities and paradoxes. It is imperative that scholars think about the interdisciplinarity of the study of the Law in order to reflect about the modern contingencies, since the current way of teaching/studying Law does not meet the growing social demands. Within this perspective, this research proposes to investigate the political, historical and social conditions in which the Law School was established in Piauí, emphasizing the capital Teresina since it concentrates the great majority of the schools of the region. Aiming at better results, our analysis was based on interviews with Professors of Law in order to answer the questions raised. We also investigated the origins of the crisis of paradigma of Law Education, in its historical, political and ideological aspects. Analyzing the crisis becomes a necessary condition for elaborating a new referential for critical teaching. This has been implemented by the authorities during time through educational reforms. In our approach there are two aspects of fundamental importance: the social function of Law Schools, and the consequences of thinking about Law as knowledge produced inside these Schools. This way of thinking about the Law will take us to the roots of Brazilian history, which is intimately tied to Portugal, to who Brazil was subordinated during three long centuries, leaving the indelible influence of subordination in the formation of the Brazilian Law, and in the way of thinking the Law as a social science. It is also the objective of this research to understand the consequences of these relations in the social imaginary of the way of thinking about the Law in Brazil, in order to point new paths to the reconstruction of the Law education.