Um estudo sociolinguístico das histórias em quadrinhos na educação à distância
2011-04-18Registro en:
SILVA, Allyson Ewerton Vila Nova. Um estudo sociolinguístico das histórias em quadrinhos na educação à distância. 2011. 210 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2011.
Silva, Allyson Ewerton Vila Nova
Many comic strips servs the entertainment sector, causing, due to its graphical representation styles, allure in those who observes them. Beyond the draws, the scripts are
responsible for that attraction because, even in written way, attempt to reproduce generally informal speeches, leading the readers to a certain immersion in the displayed
narratives. Those communicative qualities, associated to new challenges faced by education in a global and technological world, guide the present work in a route to
sociolinguistics studies in the field of comic strips destined to distance superior education. For that, it was verified in texts done (manufactured) by the students in this teach-learning model, the daily different used linguistics terms between them, detaching their more
characteristic informal lexicons, for, later, show to professionals of long distance educations how the verbal communication must be worked in the production of didactic
comic strips directed to this public. For this purpose, this discoursive sort was evaluated in a course of Physics offered in two cities of brazilian northeast. The project considered twenty students, requested to develop, in accordance with the adopted methodology, an activity in which they freely filled the dialogue balloons of a comic story, in which only drawings contemplated a subject studied in previous lessons. At the same time, it was
asked for, to these students, the supply of personal data age, genre, profession and address , and about their respective routine activities and concerning their respective habits with regard to reading of comic strips, aiming at one better identification of these
citizens in the communities where they are inserted. Finally, these same students had answered to a linguistic preference test between a written comic strip writed on usual form and another version of same story, however contend based words and text constructions
in the grammatical molds of the portuguese language. This last stage offered information on the best language to be applied in the studied materials