Padrão tecno-estético e mercado televisivo: um estudo sobre a Rede Record de Televisão
Barbosa, Rafaela Chagas
The present research investigated Rede Record de Televisão’s (Record Television Network) strategic positioning in the public-access TV Brazilian market. The basic theoretical-methodological contribution to this work was the Political Economy of Communication (PEC), which was connected to other communication theories throughout the expository text. This analysis revealed that the group studied competes with SBT, standing for Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão ( Brazilian Television System), for the second place in the television scenario. However, Record TV Network maintained the second position in primetime viewership during the research. This projection is supported by the network head’s resumption of production in the television fiction and journalistic spheres. Another circumstance which influenced on Record Network strategic process was the investment derived from outside the media. This investment came from funds not common to the advertising market, transferred by Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Universal Church of the Kingdom of God). According to information assessed herein, the mentioned investment would be equivalent to about R$ 400 million per year, and it is related to the purchase of predawn airtime. It has also been observed that the production pattern of the object of study considers telejournalism as the main product to shape its rising nationally. The TV network broadcasts six news programmes altogether, and the affiliates produce 4 to 5 journalistic products a day. Due to the importance of telejournalism to the network, the present investigation proposes to characterize Record TV Network’s aesthetic and technical pattern through its main journalistic product, O Jornal da Record (Record News), and through the current network’s journalism editorial concept, a factual journalism rather than a more reflective or analytical one. Thus, it could be apprehended that the ‘journalistic truths/facts’ in the news programme are based on, for instance, frequent live broadcasting parts in conventional events; and, also, on the predominance of reports on the Police and Public Safety events.