A percepção de reação do sujeito frente à doença osteomuscular: um olhar da fisioterapia
The perception of the personal reaction to a osteomuscular desease: a look from the fisiotherapy
Gessinger, Cristiane Fernanda
The Study aim to know the Perception of subjectif Reaction face to a Osteomuscular Disease and the Factors which influence these Reaction. The Research interviews 15 Subjects with Osteomuscular Desease, most of them Wemen 20 to 40 years old. Four Categories were used to analyse the registered and transcripted Interviews: Reaction, Desease aspects, Body Perception and Social Factors. The Reactions to Osteomuscular Desease are selectives. The Display of negative Reaction are Irritation and Depression. Positive Reaction appeared by Autopiesis, subjectif Reframe, self Valuation and Search of Health with dignity. Affectives Supports, as Religiosity, Family, Living together with other Persons showed as Factors of positive Influence. The Social Conditions, as economic Income, Educational Level, Job, Access to Health Services, demonstrated negative Influence. The Physioterapist can improve the positive Reaction through the Health Education, the good Relation with the patients and the Incentive to the Body Perception