A (in)eficácia da constitucionalização do princípio da eficiência na administração pública
Kossmann, Edson Luís
This work was presented as a Master's dissertation to the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos Graduate Program in Law. The paper analyzes the effectivenees (ineffectiveness) of the constitutionalization of Efficiency Principle wich was included in the Brazilian Constitution with the Constitutional Amendment Nº 19/2000. The Principle of Efficiency, and more specifically the concept of efficiency needs to be properly understood in the text (context) in which it is placed, therefore, it is not the efficiency from the viewpoint of private enterprise, but the efficiency in the state - in a democratic state of Law - constitutionally committed to the promises so far unfulfilled, of a Social State. Thus the principle of efficiency needs to be understood in the context of the Brazilian State, which constitutionalised its commitment to the rescue of a historic social debt through targeted and concrete actions aimed at the satisfaction of fundamental rights, indispensable for the achievement of the dignity of human beings. Likewise it is necessary to understand the real and symbolic motivations that led to the constitutionalization of this Principle, from the viewpoint of the use (or combat use) patrimonial state as well as the perspective of the proposal for a state increasingly deregulated procedurally. Therefore, it shall be considered that the principle of efficiency was already expressed within the constitutional text on several occasions and their presence should always be present – and it is - in the set of explicit or implicit principles that should guide and inform the actions of the State, through its public service, especially after the advent of democratic State of law, whose main source of legitimacy is the popular sovereignty. Finally, we intend to examine whether there was actual progress with the constitutionalization of that principle in the specific context of the Brazilian government and wich is the meaning of a efficient State in relation to the demands imposed on him by the constitutional text democratically constructed, especially the demands facing the implementation and guarantee of social rights universally.