Interações entre a televisão e o telespectador na sociedade em vias de midiatização: um estudo de caso do quadro a Empregada mais cheia de charme do Brasil do programa Fantástico
Pedroso, Daniel Silva
The research is concerned about studies of mediatization, describing and discussing the ways of interaction between television and viewer, in the Society context in Mediatization. It was developed through the study case of A empregada mais cheia de charme do Brasil (The charmest maid of Brazil) broadcasted by the program Fantático by Globo Network, from June to July of 2012. It is examined, therefore, the marks of these new relations stablished on this new interactional apparatus, by means of inserting the viewer discursive activity on the television production, through a set of videos sent to the program that bring instructions and rules about which certain type of reading contract work. The case analysis approached as main focus the constitution and the functioning of a contact zone while interactional instance, that is actuated by the television through induction and incursion protocols which stimulate the discursive activity and the social actor participation on the television production system. Such strategies are verified on relational range – production and reception – from techno-discursive operations which are produced by Fantástico, as much on its televised version as on its Internet webpage. As a result, it was pointed that the social actor participation in the program textuality is a consequence of a complex induction process, by which is created a new type of relation and access of the social actor to the mediatization. The research suggests as a conclusion that the sociotechnical process evidenced by the mediatization process – as the new circulation conditions and the new technical devices converted into means of communication - by being converted into contact and interaction strategies by the television, they redraw the ways of connection generation from the television to the society. On this perspective, the viewer is inserted in a different way in the interaction process, producing marks of a new textuality, which has as base the co-enunciations and the new ways of access of the social actor to the mediatization.