Eu nunca me vi, assim, de fora: representações sobre o agir docente através da autoconfrontação
Drey, Rafaela Fetzner
The main aim of this study is characterize how two teachers of Portuguese who work in a public High School represent their own acting as teaching professionals. This research was developed from the experiment of a new writing methodology – the organization of a didactic sequence from the text genre perspective (Schneuwly & Dolz, 2004) – which enrolled a motivation a motivation for a teacher’s self-reflection during the self-confrontation mode (Clot, 1999/2006). The conjugation of two perspectives compounds the theoretical basis for this project. The Socio-discursive Interactionism (ISD) epistemological frame; and the ergonomical studies proposed by The Activity Clinic (Clot, 1999/2006; Clot e Faïta, 1999). The choice of the Socio-discursive Interactionism as the main philosophical and theoretical basis is justified by the goal of changing the current text concept in Portuguese as a Native Language classrooms, besides deepen the focus on studies which consider the teaching acting as an occupation throught it