Contribuição das características logísticas para as prioridades competitivas: um estudo de caso em uma empresa da indústria de refrigerantes
Sikilero, Claudio Bastos
This work aims to identifying how the alignment between logistic characteristics and the competitive priorities occurs, in the company who has competitive capacity. The logistic characteristics in the enterprise conjuncture start to be considered important by the companies because of its operations complexity increase. In this environment, in the 1980’s, the logistic begins to be considered a differentiation key. In this period, the companies or agents started to work the logistic problems all together originating the term supply chain management (SCM). The work was divided into three stages: the first one is the theoretical reference construction, the second is a research about the physics and technical SCM components, and the third is the case study. The theoretical reference construction was based on the unionist source perspectives of the logistics concepts and the SCM, which locates the logistic as a SCM function, also approaching the value chain concepts and the operation strategies. The physical and te