Impact of environmental degradation and diminishing natural resources on the poor
Ibarrarán Viniegra, María Eugenia
Bautista, Germelino M.
Economic activity entails the use of natural resources and the production of residues that often harm the environment and the population at large. The unsustainable use of resources and the environmental degradation resulting from this growing economic activity give rise to pessimism about a future doomed by climate disruption, biodiversity loss, overpopulation, and environmental degradation (Klein, 2014; Costanza and Kubiszewski, 2014). Although many believe that business-as-usual is still possible, recent trends show our future as a society is at stake. Present-day tendencies have profound effects on sustainability, both for today´s population and for generations to come. We are facing a societal breakdown that may only be averted if we are aware of such threats and concrete measures are undertaken (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 2013).
The rate at which resources are being used and the limited.