Midiatização das práticas turísticas: estudo de caso sobre o site Tripadvisor e a página Trip Tips
Aldrigue, Natália de Sousa
In this study, we examine the tourist practices under the communicational approach, in the context of the mediatization, studying the Tripadivisor cases and also Trip Tips website, in order to observe how practices has been modified and permeated by mediatization operations and its logics. The problem of our research involves the following question: how to organize and operate tourist practices in the context of complexified mediatization? Then, the chapters that were developed consists in: a) study of the art, in which we observe stage, angles and questions about the research in tourism area; b) the construction of a theoretical point of view from the examination of elements that characterize the "media society" and the "developing society of mediatization", trying to find out the construction of a conceptual framework of the current moment, in which manifest the growing of mediatization processes and their several affectations involving the social practices several affectations, such as the case of tourist practices; c) the empirical work through the construction of a methodological, aim to look to the election procedures and the analysis of two practices chosen as cases. Based on this, primarily on the ideas of Braga (2006, 2012), Fausto Neto (2008, 2010, 2012, 2015), Gomes (2012, 2014) and Verón (1997, 2004, 2014) we conclude that tourist practices are being affected by the setting of the mediatization coverage that we are today.