Uma educação que é legal! É possível a inclusão de todos na escola?
Luz, Arisa Araujo da
Based on the legislation that determines the enrollment of all students in regular schools and on my own experience as a public school teacher and Education professor, the objective of this investigation is to understand how pre-school and elementary school teachers are dealing with inclusive education for students with mental disabilities in the school environment. To achieve this objective, I interviewed and observed teachers of various counties of Rio Grande do Sul, collecting data and interpreting their speech in a hermeneutic perspective. The analyses of speeches and field data were carried out in an interpretative way through a dialog with scholars of Inclusive Education, Teachers Formation, and Teachers Knowledge. It was possible to conclude that, in many cases, school inclusion is only apparent. Politically correct speeches with students enrolled in the regular education but not effectively included in school learning, with frequent manifestations that a deficient teachers formation is responsible for