O texto jornalístico no centro de uma revisão da história da imprensa no Brasil
Messagi Júnior, Mário
The history of press in Brazil demands, urgently, to be rewritten, by a point of view indogenous of the comunication sciences. Several exogenous approaches form the scientific field and lend themselves to try to understand what journalism is. These approaches reproduce in the historiography of the Brazilian press a lot of questions drawn from other fields of knowledge, especially political science. Or clearly anachronistic readings. A review of the history of the Brazilian press must necessarily understand the language of journals, because the past only bequath signs, as way for its understanding. At the same time that it is central to the historiographical process, the language is defining for the profession of journalist. So, while professional and theoretical knowledge of language are demanded of any professional, they are also basic condition for a specific point of view in the history of press. The professional field, which establishes relations with the academic field but should not be confused with it