Índice quanti-qualitativo de avaliação da vegetação em setores urbanos
Dotto, Bruna Righi
Vegetation is an equipment of importance in the urban environment, since it is capable of mitigating the consequences of urbanization and providing environmental quality to the population. However, the scarcity of information about the quality of its implementation prevents its correct planning, which restricts its beneficial performance and can generate dysfunctions concerning the adjacent urban infrastructure. Therefore, obtaining an adequate diagnosis of the vegetation situation in the urban environment is important to the planners because it contributes to the design of interventions that can adapt it to the existing urban context. Several indexes and indicators have been developed in order to survey relevant informations to urban planning regarding existing vegetation, but the complexity of the indicators and limitations in their application make it difficult for them to be used extensively by planners and can provide shallow and imprecise data. In this context, the present study aims to propose the Quantitative and Qualitative Index of Evaluation of Vegetation in Urban Sectors, an index that allows the evaluation of several criteria of importance for the implanted vegetation to beneficially impact on the environmental quality of its surroundings, assisting in the definition of action plans for the general improvement of the vegetation of the study area, while seeking to oppose the adversities presented by other similar indexes. The proposed index was applied in a case study carried out with the object of the IAPI Village, in Porto Alegre, where it was considered that it reached its proposed objectives and correctly translated the context of the vegetation present in the study area, assiting in the delimitation of possible improvement plans for the site.