Histórias de infâncias na rua: uma narrativa entre violações de direitos e proteção da vida.
2019-10-02Registro en:
LIMA JÚNIOR, Itamar Sousa. Histórias de infâncias na rua : uma narrativa entre violações de direitos e proteção da vida . 2019. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-Reitoria Acadêmica. Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, 2019.
Lima Júnior, Itamar Sousa
This research aimed to understand the experience of the street situation of children
and adolescents in the city of Recife. It is a qualitative research, with a phenomeno-
logical basis of the type research intervention. The research was carried out in a Civil
Society Organization of reference in the socio-educational work with street children
and adolescents in the municipality. Participating in this process were 9 children and
adolescents of both sexes, being 7 boys and 2 girls, aged between 11 and 17 years,
all with more than one year in a street situation. As a research instrument were adopted
participant observation, reflective interview and logbooks. From the narratives col-
lected from the logbooks and the reports of the meetings and the reflective interview,
great themes emerged that were constituted in what we will call constellations: Extreme
Poverty, Violence, Protection Isles, Play in the street: the ludic and danger, At some
point will be cried for it, My life is a hell and False freedom. Such constellations illumi-
nated by the reflections of Hannah Arendt enabled, in addition to a greater understand-
ing of the experience of these boys’ and girls’ indications of ways to new ways of acting
with this public. Thus, the human conditions that constitute the phenomenon of the
street situation, such as extreme poverty and violence, have highlighted the violations
of this group, but it was also possible to understand the need for protection that is
claimed by these children and adolescents and compels to a political activity that deals
with the love to the world.