A construção da língua portuguesa escrita pelo surdo não oralizado
2009-07-03Registration in:
SILVA, José Edmilson Felipe da. A construção da língua portuguesa escrita pelo surdo não oralizado. 2009. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2009.
Silva, José Edmilson Felipe da
This work consists of a dialogue, between the assumptions "ferreriano" and "teberoskiano", on the development written, and its formation in the absence of speaking and hearing. How will be given the writing
phonographic formation by a Deaf person? Ferreiro and Teberosky defend a moment, in the process of
writing, so the child establishes the phonographic relation. Being the Deaf a non speaker person, incapable to
discriminate the phonemes, as transposing this barrier and doing this writing? The expected moment for this
transition, and the alternative found for Deaf citizens, constitute the essence of this research. We gather
samples of writing of 20 (twenty) non speaker Deaf children. enrolled in two public schools in the city of
Recife the capital of Pernambuco. Analyzing these writings (its content), we noticed that they presented
particularities, compared with the chosen theoretical reference. Our initial hypothesis of a direct transition,
from a concept of writing "pre-syllabic", to a concept of pseudo-alphabetic writing, proved to be correct. The
absence of the concept of writing syllabic, syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetic is a basic feature, on the
formation of writing by non speaker Deaf. Based on the theoretical framework of Ferreiro & Teberosky
(1991), with its main and secondary hypotheses and referrals proposed by Bardin (1989, we classify and
analyze each one of these writing, trying to understand all its features. The non phonetic of writing,
shouldn t be understood not only as the processing of phonemes into graphemes, but also in the opposite
direction, not the processing of graphemes into phonemes. We reclassify these atypical formations and rename
them, therefore, the nomenclature used so far proved to be inappropriate, and leveling the writings, erasing
their differences