Mapeamento e análise de ruído ambiental estudo de caso: Campus Unisinos
Krumenauer, Marcelo
The noise maps or acoustic cards are widely disseminated among of the European Union countries and are important tools for preparing action plans and targets to combat noise pollution. In Brazil, however, there are few effective actions for the identification and evaluation of the conditions of exposure of the population to the real noise. Knowledge of the actual levels of noise allows the government to analyze and propose measures and public policies. In urban centers, increasingly people are suffering from the effects of high noise levels, mainly resulting from road traffic, degrading the environment and living conditions of the population. The objective is to develop a noise map for the Campus of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. To develop this goal, the acoustic prediction software CadnaA was used, applying the following methodological procedures: definition of the study area; the evaluated area traffic study (using the automatic counting of vehicles through electronic controllers and automatic Campus gates); defining quantities (weather, acoustics, traffic and geometric); setting calculation parameters; sound modeling; and validation of the simulated environment. To validate the Campus noise map were evaluated 13 different models, with different settings, comparing them with the equivalent sound pressure level collected in the field. The final results indicate a calibrated model for the representation of the Campus environment sound, which with great diversity of propagation environments, differs from other urban environments. This work is justified by the progress in the recognition and measurement of noise levels outdoors.