Projeto de vida e a constituição do profissional técnico do IFSULSAP: expectativas de jovens diante de um Projeto de Educação Profissional Integrada
Guedes, Fernanda Lopes
The main objective of the thesis is to investigate the role of professional and technical education in relation to the life projects of students of the integrated technical courses of IFSUL, Campus Sapucaia do Sul. The research is of a qualitative nature and approach. As a methodology for its development the cartographic method was used in the perspective presented by Kastrup. For the problematization the authors were used as references: Saviani, Ciavatta, Frigotto, Ramos, Corrochano. The references helped in the areas of education and work, work, youth and the world of work. In the thesis was made use of concepts related to integrated secondary education, the duality in high school and life projects of young people. As for the methodology for the treatment and analysis of data, the discursive textual analysis was used. For the accomplishment of the research was made use of devices like: workshops, on-line questionnaires and interviews. As a result: the students believe that IFSUL can help in their project of life through the quality of teaching, of the faculty; The students believe that IFSUL prepares them for the professional future, and this preparation goes from the technical part to the propaedeutic; In all the Course Pedagogical Project of the courses the concern with the integral formation of the students is verified. It is observed that the grade of the technical courses of Events, Informatics and Plastics was created with the objective of having an interdisciplinarity in which the student is a citizen and allows the integration between the world of work and society.