Sucessão no sistema Sicredi: um diagnóstico dos fatores impeditivos e critérios importantes para a implementação do plano de sucessão
Meinen, Alceu Ruppenthal
Financial Cooperativism has increasingly become a leading player in the national
financial market, due to its business model, that despite being secular, is more current
than ever before. Anyways, this protagonism has not been seen in terms of leadership
succession. Focused on that, the present study aims to identify, through the
cooperatives associated to the South-Southeast Central of Sicredi what are the
constraining factors for implementing succession plans to the positions of Board
President and Executive Directors, and comprehend what are the reasons that lead
to the non-implementation of a standardized succession plan, which can impact the
continuity of the cooperative business. However, the literature shows that the difficulty
for the implementation of a succession plan is not restricted to Sicredi. Therefore, in
a qualitative-descriptive manner, through a case study, executives from the
cooperatives were interviewed. After the analysis of the content, it was possible to
verify which are the factors that make the succession process difficult and the
hinderings for the implementation of a systemic model. As the main factor I would
mention that the lack of interest by leaders in the implementation of a succession plan
is due to the status of the position they stand in their regions and communities. Thus,
based on this study, it was possible to conclude that for the success of a succession
plan implementation, Sicredi should watch out for these key factors that hinder such
process and what are the criteria that can be observed in the construction of a
succession plan for further implementation.