O fomento prioritário ao desporto de natureza social como instrumento de efetivação dos direitos humanos-fundamentais à saúde, à educação e ao lazer: uma análise sobre a justiça distributiva no âmbito do esporte nacional
Toledo, William De Aguiar
This study is about the analysis of Distributive Justice in promoting the national sport in its three dimensions: the sport education, sport performance and sport participation. The purpose was to verify if the sport education, being a fundamental human right, has received, mostly, different treatment compared to competitive sport (whether formal or informal). For methods, was used the comparison of the Brazilian Federal Budget of the decade 2004-2013 in order to get a wide range of information about the analyzed object in quantitative and in qualitative terms. As a result, there was a distributive discrepancy and noncompliance of constitutional rule in both aspects studied, which allowed the confirmation of the hypothesis that the national sport promotion is not following the constitutional guidelines established, whether in relation to the rule or the exception provided in constitutional order.