Parâmetros hidrogeológicos do Sistema Aquífero Guarani na sub-bacia do Arroio Portão/RS
Wojahn, Daniel
The porosity and permeability behaviors of the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) lithologies are linked directly to its physical and mineralogical characteristics, internal structures, fractures and faults. The permo-porosity of SAG sandstones in the Arroio Portão catchment, which is located in Portão and Estância Velha/RS municipalities, is here analyzed. Therefore, it was carried out a geological mapping 1:50.000, as well geological sections, petrographic descriptions, grain size, paleocurrents and tectonic lineaments analysis. Moreover, the total and effective porosities of the coherent and friable sandstones of Botucatu and Pirambóia formations were assessed by saturation and drying tests. The sandstone permeability was measured by constant load permeability tests. The outworked findings allowed the identification of sandstone cementing nature and intensity. As cementing materials were found carbonate, siliceous, iron oxides and kaolinite. The kaolinization of feldspar is an important process in these lithologies, modifying its original porosity and permeability. The SAG appears to be anisotropic, following the eolian paleocurrents patterns. So far, the porosity and permeability occurs with a heterogeneous spatial distribution. Predicting equations, established by statistical correlation with the clay and silt fractions, were used to estimate porosity and permeability values. In this way, permeabilities around 2,32 x 10-5 cm/s and 3,53 x 10-4 cm/s were found Pirambóia and Botucatu aquifers, characterizing the sandstones as poor aquifers with some impermeability. Analysing geological constraints, increasing permeability and porosity values were found nearby the tectonic lineaments, indicating a structural influence on SAGs hydrogeological characteristics and its groundwater flow system. Finally, in order to build flow models, as well to design aquifer planning and protection schemes, estimated values of rock porosity and permeability should be considered. The estimation of these hydrogeological parameters, mainly near structural lineaments, should be done based on the clay + silt fraction of sandstones.