Para além do silêncio: outros olhares sobre a surdez e a educação de surdos
Braga, Rosa Maria da Cruz
The present dissertation, “Para além do silêncio;Outros olhares sobre a surdez e a educação de surdos” (“Over the silence;Other views about deafness and the education of deaf people”), makes possible the quarrel of some existing enunciative recurrences in the productions of one of the groups of researchers that marked the history of the education of deaf people in the Rio Grande do Sul Brazilian state. This group was formed the “Núcleo de Pesquisa em Políticas Educacionais para Surdos” (NUPPES – Nucleus of Research in Educational Politics for Deaf People) which made partnerships with the State Secretariat of Education, assuming the elaboration of the curriculums, as well as the formation of professors in the courses offered for the State. Moreover, the NUPPES made distinct movements so that the deaf community started to have academic expression by the entrance of deaf people in the university. From the intellectual production and the insertion of the researchers in the deaf, education and academic communities