Ética jornalística na sociedade em midiatizadação: estudo de casos múltiplos de experiências emergentes no Rio Grande do Sul
Ribeiro, Fernanda Al Alam
This research, within the scope of mediatization studies, focuses on the complexification of journalism ethics in the mediatized society. Based on a multiple-case study, it investigated how emerging online journalism initiatives explain the issue of journalism ethics in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The research is structured in three chapters. Two chapters are theoretical; one develops the concept of mediatization and its emergence in society, and the other specifically addresses the issue of journalism ethics. The third chapter presents the initiatives and the appropriate analyses. The materials examined are based on the tracking of the websites of three selected initiatives - Nonada Jornalismo Travessia, Sul21, and Farol Jornalismo - and interviews with some members of the media. The results indicate other conceptions about ethics focused on journalism micro-markets and centered on the new ways of being in the mediatized society.