O direito contratual analisado à luz da hermenêutica dos princípios no panorama do direito comparado entre as fontes do direito contratual brasileiro e dos Estados Unidos da América: o caso do contrato de gestação de substituição
De Luca, Ida Beatriz de
The Contract Law has adjusted throughout history, being today inserted in an environment where faster technological evolution brings remarkable challenges for its interpreters. General clauses usually allow the definition of legal consequences to new situations and social facts. The general goal of this this thesis was to study the contract under actual and current reality, especially regarding the private autonomy in surrogate motherhood contracts, linked to constitutional principles, in the scope of the legal possibilities brought by the hermeneutic horizons of comparing the Law in Brazil and in the United States of America. The role of the interpreter has been more important establishing the scope and extension of the legal norm via interpretation, looking for the meaning of expressions such as “social function” in the Federal Constitution and through dialogue with other sources of Law interpretations. Under the phenomenological hermeneutic methodology applied to this thesis, it is possible to affirm that the interpreter has increased responsibilities attributing creative meaning to the general clauses existent in the regulatory texts. Recent technology developments have brought new challenges to the Law operators. In this new context, the lack of legal regulations in Brazil for cases of surrogate motherhood poses problematic situation for all parts: the surrogate pregnant, the intended parents and even the medical professionals. Due to the absence of legal framework to regulate the relations involved in such technique, the Federal Council of Medicine published a resolution restricting the rights of potential parts involved in such agreements. Nevertheless, such resolution cannot restrict constitutionally protected Fundamental Individual Rights, such as the right to liberty, which in this case can be interpreted as the right to elect to generate an embryo for another person. The hypothesis is a re-evaluation of the private autonomy of involded parts in agreements of surrogate motherhood, protecting the human dignity in these contractual relations, as well as the fundamental principles of the Law, aligning the Constitutional System and the International Huma Rights System, related to the subject, in the landscape of combined horizons of National Law and Foreign Law. Concerning the Brazilian Contract Law, the closest “contractual model” for a surrogate motherhood is the “rendering services contracts”, however it is important to mention that some peculiarities must be considered due to the specific type of services being rendered. Because of this, the actual private autonomy of the future pregnant must be evaluated, since there are Personality Rights also involved in such legal agreement. As a rule, in Brazil, Personality Rights cannot be relinquished. However, in some existing cases, this rule can be relativized, which demonstrates that such agreements can be licit, even those involving payments to the pregnant, as long as the parts private autonomy have been clearly established. To develop a normative model for surrogate motherhood to be used in Brazil, a research was conducted in three states of the United States of America. The objective is to help to build a legal framework for surrogate motherhood in Brazil based on both foreign and Brazilian sources of law. The suggested legal framework prescribes that the actual private autonomy of the woman to become pregnant must be verified through the following: medical and psychological evaluation; legal advice on the contract wording due to the nature of involved right; and court homologation of the agreement, prior to its execution. Such framework is derived from a combination of norms in the United States of America, properly adjusted to better fit the local realities in Brazil.