Projeto piloto para sistema de gerenciamento de energia: gestão de uso e consumo de energia elétrica em conformidade com a ISO 50001
Schneider, Felipe Eduardo
The Brazil is one of the ten bigger eletrical energy consumers in the world, with
more than 36% of the total amount of power consumed by the industrial sector. The
country also detach in indexes from Latin America for his low efficiency in generating
riches from energetic consumption. Statistics from ABESCO (2017) also point out that
in the last three years the electrical energy waste reaches the value of 61,7 billions
brazilian reais in outdated machines, lighting, and others. In the midst of this scenario,
the present work illustrate the development of a energy management system, a tool
still little explored by the country to reduce cost with the energetic waste. The system
was developed following the main guidelines settled down by the ISO 50001 and
prepared to serve as a base for implantation on industrial plants. The work also count
with a case of study, describing how was the practical implantation of the method in a
local multinational industry and the results obtained, in which besides a 5% reduce in
energetic waste, around 120 thousand Brazilian reais in a year, also was perceived
the fomentation of electrical energy awareness in the company´s employees.