Violência conjugal: mapeamento da rede de atendimento e caracterização das práticas de psicólogos/as
Rolim, Kamêni Iung
This dissertation aims to map and characterize the service network for conjugal violence in Vale do Paranhana (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and become aware of practices performed by psychologists in these places. Three qualitative studies were executed. The research involved ten services, whose coordinators (or personnel indicated by them) answered a questionnaire and eight psychologists responded to a semi-structured interview. Data were submitted to content analysis. We identified that the service network in this region is composed by juridical services and devices of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), both operating to face and prevent injury. Psychologists perceive conjugal violence from a feminist approach and consider public policies insufficient to supply the demand. There is overlapping of roles and functions concerning the social assistant. We perceived that the most frequent intervention was referral to other services and that violence has been treated ultimately in crisis periods. We propose, drawing from the Bioecological Approach, to comprehend the inter-relations between practices and context. Reflections and actions drawing from Amplified Clinics are proposed to potentialize actions in different levels of attention.