Jogo de vozes e construção do ponto de vista em petição inicial e contestação de ação de união estável
2015-03-20Registro en:
CAMPOS, Renata Monteiro Mendes. Jogo de vozes e construção do ponto de vista em petição inicial e contestação de ação de união estável. 2015. 42 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2015.
Campos, Renata Monteiro Mendes
This dissertation analyzes the nominal expression used in the textual and discursive construction of the point of view in argumentative context, specifically in initial petition and plea (answer) genres in consensual marriage legal action. Although they are genres known as
argumentative, they hold in its structure narrative sequences from which we can observe different voices that it establishes when we argue narrating in a conflict situation or discursive clash in juridical domain. Thus a hypothesis entertained here is that these genres are different when a person arguments narrating from the literary and journalistic domain, for example, from a dialogic approach of the text/discourse and based on the assumption that all discourse
has several voices and consequently points of view, we understand that nominal expressions are extremely important (they play an important role) to the argumentation in these genres. In other words, we understand that this resort contributes to the establishment of enunciative positions and to the subjectivity expression in a clash dialogal-argumentative context. Seen in these terms, it is important to analyze the relation among enunciators in a discourse, like: how
the lawyers as a locutor/enunciator, as the main enunciator, manages the points of view in a discourse and contributes to putting a perspective of the objects of discourse (facts and characters). So, it is important to investigate how this narratorial instance mobilizes the
nominal expressions to assume a point of view responsible for the argumentative orientation of a text. In these different voices ( a game of voices ), the locator/enunciator coenunciates with his client, and the other person (the opponent) is a subenunciator. The corpus of this
research will be an initial petition and plea (answer) in consensual marriage legal action - both documents are from 2012 and they belong to the 4ª Vara da Família e Registro Civil da Comarca da Capital, Estado de Pernambuco. The results found in this research confirmed
Rabatel s theory: in argumentative contexto, the prevalente point of view is the affirmed point of view.