Psicodiagnóstico interventivo / colaborativo : uma prática psicológica na perspectiva fenomenológica existencial
2011-03-10Registro en:
SIQUEIRA, Danielle de Fátima da Cunha Cavalcanti de. Psicodiagnóstico interventivo / colaborativo : uma prática psicológica na perspectiva fenomenológica existencial. 2011. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2011.
Siqueira, Danielle de Fátima da Cunha Cavalcanti de
This study started due to concerns and questions regarding the need to explore the collaborative dimension in Interventive Psychodiagnosis within the author‟s clinical
activities. The phenomenal basis was given by the report of four psychologists‟ clinical experiences on Interventive Psychodiagnosis. Oral narratives unveil a shared story, in agreement with the plurality of concepts in the situation and with another temporality, what allows the elaboration and communication of experienced meaning. Traversed paths show the contribution of the existential phenomenological matrix as a possibility for grounding the collaborative dimension in Interventive Psychodiagnosis face to ontological elements of Heidegger‟s Existential Analytics
and Gadamer‟s Philosophical Hermeneutic. Narratives were analyzed according to the Analysis of Meaning, which is a methodological proposal developed by Dulce Critelli to understand reality. This procedure made it possible to reflect upon the collaborative dimension of Interventive Psychodiagnosis implicated in the dialogue between psychologist and client or among clients in a Psychodiagnostic group. Using Gadamer‟s language, it is said that every dialogue goes beyond a simple exchange
of opinions and true dialogue demands that partners are open to the possibility of modification that comes from the dialogue. Furthermore, an affective disposition for
openness and acceptance towards otherness is needed, what presupposes the initial presence of previous determinations each participant‟s prior horizon. In this way, collaborative dimension is understood as a fusion of horizons , in which each component is determined by the way it integrates with one another, allowing another
common understanding regarding questioned phenomenon. Such game has a central action in Gadamerian hermeneutic and in clinical practice, enabling to discover other understanding possibilities that lead to other ways of acting and
dealing with suffering. Results contribute to rethink psychologists‟ actions, broadening the possibilities for receiving families and children in the context of health