O movimento animal produz direito? luta e reconhecimento no movimento animalista
Azevedo, Maria Cândida Simon
The animal movement, how an emergent social movement, has been questioning social anthropocentric paradigms, postulating the recognition of animals as beings that matter morally. The thesis aims analyze the contours of this movement and understand your consequences that are or can be extended to the Law, train to answer the following question: how is it possible to organize the animal movement thought, especially concerning your argumentations and juridical consequences, to be possible legally enforce it? Therefore, it was used the Critical Legal Theory as a method to think the research according to a critical behavior, in addition to the method of comparative procedure and indirect documentation research techniques, from a bibliographic review of books, articles, papers, dissertations and theses, blog posts and websites. Based on this methodological approach, it was opted for the separation of the work into two chapters, which reflect the areas of knowledge studied, that is, Ethics/Politics and Law. Still, in order to find the reflection of the arguments developed in the first part of the research, it was proposed to carry out an analysis of propositions and legislation, both at the federal level, with legal consequences in relation to society. In the end, it was possible to propose the need to reflect the animal right from the analysis of the institutional designs organized by the movement itself and to think about projects of juridification for each group of society, considering their reality and relationship with the Law.