Análise crítica do discurso sobre a democracia racial em Casa-Grande e Senzala, nas notícias e na hashtag: #justiçapormiguel.
2021-03-12Registro en:
SILVA, Fernanda Pinheiro de Souza. Análise crítica do discurso sobre a democracia racial em Casa-Grande e Senzala, nas notícias e na hashtag : #justiçapormiguel. 2021. 213 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem. Doutorado em Ciências da Linguagem, 2021.
Silva, Fernanda Pinheiro de Souza e
We experience a distint time in which access to information is increasing every day, and so
on, people are able to interact as in no other time, from this interaction several debates are
happening on topics never before discussed on a large scale, and one of them is what we will
see here in this research: the so-called Brazilian racial democracy as a construct of
contemporary racism. The problem that we will observe diachronicly is knowing that racial
democracy has been sustained for ideological and political purposes in which way do
discursive naturalizations about racial democracy over the years contribute to the
naturalization of current racism? The general aim is analyzing discursive naturalizations of
Brazilian racial democracy as a mechanism to support contemporary racism. Some of the
specific objectives are: 1. Reconstructing the historical context of the Brazilian racial
democracy myth; 2. Identify Gilberto Freyre's discursive and ideological position in the CasaGrande & Senzala book related to his defense of Brazilian racial democracy; 3. Prove and
reconstruct the media discourses about The Miguel Case related to the racial democracy idea
through the Critical theory of Discourses; 4. Analysing the popular discourses through de
news comments about the Miguel case and through the hashtags from the same case by the
Critical theory of discourse;5. Correlating decolonial and post-colonial studies with the
corpora research. According to Fernandes (2007, p.61), Gilberto Freyre systematized the myth
of a racial democracy through the ideia of a miscegenation theory. This systematization said
by the author is related to the work of Casa-Grande & Senzala, which brings up precisely the
issue of racial miscegenation in Brazil in exchange for the valorization of the Brazilian black
identity. The same author (2007) discusses the marginal situation of the black today, stating
that the destitution of the slave took place in Brazil harshly, it represented the last plunder he
suffered, much more than a gift or a concrete opportunity. As stated by Camargo & Ferreira
(2011): “It seems to be politically correct to treat Afro-descendants as 'dark'. This euphemism,
strongly rooted in Brazilian culture, is a symbolic resource to escape the reality in which
discrimination reigns “As blacks constituted, since the colonial period, the majority of the
population, and whites a minority, an intermediate category was created, the mulatto, which
served as an escape valve for racial tension”. the myth of racial democracy is discussed in
society, what we propose as a differential for studies related to the naturalizations of this
democracy is the exposure of a view coming from Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD), as
stated by Teo (2000) who intends to "unveil the fundamentals ideological discourses that have
become so natural over time that we begin to treat them as common, acceptable and natural
traits of discourse ".