Nos jornais, um típico acontecimento atípico: o caso angostura em diários latino-americanos de referência
Zamin, Ângela Maria
Modes of journalistic objectification contain the organization, the experience and the interpretation of the world before me, daily presented in maps constructed by newspapers. These processualities directly connected to organizational interests are, however, susceptible to spaces of the lived world and to events that emerge in it and these events contrast with everyday normality. From a series of events, some have a high degree of conflict; these are the typical atypical events, which mobilize Journalism while its field of possibilities does not cease updating. This research presents and explores a typical atypical event from its ingress and its coverage in three reference Latin-American newspapers, the Brazilian O Estado de S. Paulo, the Colombian El Tiempo and the Ecuadorian El Comercio. We are talking about the Angostura Case, our designation for the crisis between Colombia and Ecuador triggered by the attack of the Colombian Army to a camping site of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) located in Ecuadorian territory on March 1st, 2008. The research, more broadly, investigates the production of the journalistic event, aiming at understanding to what extent the typical atypical, for its characteristics and its flows, alters the processualities of Journalism. The apprehension is of double emergence: of the flows of Journalism and of the flows of the event in a process of co-determination. In this sense, it is dedicated to observe the processes of production of a journalistic event from its discursive materiality, as a way of arranging and rearranging the event by processes that constitute it (Foucault, 2006, 2010), building on the studies of the journalistic event. To do so, it considers a corpus consisted of texts taken from the three newspapers between march 2008 and august 2009, as a way of accessing the interpretative dispersion of meanings that shape the Angostura Case.