Sorria, você está sendo filmado: emergência da subjetividade em práticas discursivas de agentes de segurança pública do sistema integrado de monitoramento de São Leopoldo
Feldens, Jorge Augusto
Assuming that the subject, even if minimally, intervenes in the work activity, the challenge of the researcher is trying to seize this personal investment in the activity based on something that is visible, observable and to some extent describable: the language, which will be looked in terms of enunciation, which has the speech as an object of research, focusing on the subject and interactional dimensions. It was sought to examine the specificity of the intervention modes in practices of the security officers, investigating if it is possible to visualize to what extent it occurs through the speech, especially in situations of risk, in which the agent, who follows procedures, rules of action, must act in order to determine the success of his/her action, the failure of a criminal activity, the solution of a critical situation, the maintenance of lives.The present study therefore proposes to conduct investigations into the work activity of public security officers at the Central Monitoring of the electronic surveillance system of the city of São Leopoldo-RS, through an exercise of approach and contact between the two areas of knowledge: the enunciative perspective of a study of the language (Flores and Teixeira, 2005) by Émile Benveniste and ergology (Schwartz, 2000). Both perspectives are not limited to observe regularities only, but focus on the effects of the always singular intervention of the subject, be it in the use of the language or in the work activity: while ergology is interested in work as an activity effectively undertaken by individuals, understanding it as a dialectic between the prescription and what actually happens, enunciation linguistics, according to Teixeira (2008), is interested in the act of taking the word, understanding that the language provides a base formal system, a set of norms, which the speaker renormalizes and arranges in a particular style when he/she uses it.