A relação mãe e bebê no contexto das dificuldades alimentares
Müller, Patrícia Wolff
Whereas relations between mother and son are indispensable to the healthy development of a
child, it is necessary to reflect on them when they come into the scene baby feeding difficulties. Thus, the objective of this work is to understand how to configure the mother-son relationship with feeding difficulties. For that, we decided to conduct a qualitative research study design with multiple cases, and each case was examined individually, seeking their particularities, and then compared to the others, in order to investigate the convergences and divergences between them. Participated in three adult mothers and their babies between the ages of seven and eight months, with difficulties in the area of food. Were used as instruments: Clinical Data Sheet, Sociodemographic Data Sheet, Mental Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.-Plus), Questionnaire Sympton Checklist - Evaluation of Psicofunctional Disorders of Early Childhood, Interview About the Experience of Motherhood and the Interaction Assessment Procedure (IAP). Each case was examined from the experience of being a mother, the first experiments with the food, the transition of food, baby food problems and the relationship between mother and baby. The results show that the introduction of complementary feeding can be seen as an interference in the interaction between mother and baby by having to give up exclusive breastfeeding and give rise to a third, represented by the spoon and food.