Coaching como ferramenta de desenvolvimento pessoal
Menegais, Morgana Schmitt
Coaching is an interactive and individual process that assists and supports the Coachee to active his potential and getting better results in his personal and professional life. Coaching is an alternative tool for people and organization which know personnel success is not an ending point but all the way. Therefore, the way requires planning, overcoming obstacles, excellence, motivation, balance and transformation. Coaching is an excellent alternative for people seeking to improve their individual skills, performance or personal transformation. Coaching also helps the Coachee achieve his best to produce the results he desire in his professional and personal life. Therefore, Coaching can be applied to all people interested and willing to expand and develop skills to achieve their goals. Being a relationship that empowers people to have a well-defined vision for the future life, it also challenges what is needed, breaks old paradigms and establishes new frontiers for the success. The process of Coaching does not only include the knowledge, beliefs, values, limits or abilities, but also needs flexibility and adaption according to the necessity of the situation. In summarize, it is a process of self-development within reach goals and how to succeed in professional and personal life. The objective of this assignment is to identify the impacts that Coaching promotes in their lifes, from the perspective of the Coachees. Therefore, a qualitative survey was applied to 10 Coachees of different nationalities, which have already gone through a process of Coaching. The questionnaire applied is to identify the perception of the Coachees relates to their experience in the Coaching session. It was verified that the most cited model was about personal life.