Os letramentos do professor: Articulações que se Constroem entre a Formação e a Ação Docente
Temóteo, Antonia Sueli da Silva Gomes
The present thesis discusses the perspectives of teacher education, based on the experience with PIBID / Language and Literature Course-Portuguese Language subproject, aiming to understand the constitution of the literacy FOR and IN the workplace, considering new constructions made possible by the perspective of literacy formation. The discussion is guided by the question: how do the uses and meanings of the PIBID supervising teachers' literacies, articulate in the contexts of the university and the school? Thus, it was defined as a general objective to analyze the processes by which the uses and meanings of supervising teachers' literacies of PIBID are articulated in the contexts of the university and the school, based on the understanding of literacy as a social practice. In this perspective, the specific objectives of the work are: to identify the literacy practices developed by the supervisors, PIBID scholarship holders, in the university and school contexts, according to the activities they develop; to understand the senses that are attributed by the supervising teachers to these literacy practices, which intersect in the pedagogical activities developed in these spaces; and characterize the relationships that organize and articulate the literacy practices of supervisors, PIBID grantees, in the partnership between university and school. The contribution of the Program is discussed from the concepts of literacy events (Heath, 1983) and literacy practices (STREET, 1988), community of practice (WENGER, 2001) and literacy agency (KLEIMAN, 2006). In this way, the data treatment took place from an analytical description of the activities that take place in PIBID’s context / Language and Literature Course-Portuguese Language subproject. The following categories of analysis discussed: Identity, formation, learning and intertextuality / dialogicity. The research shows that the program provides the supervisor with the construction of literacy in his own workplace, through the many activities that he develops, which relate to different actions that take place in the daily practice of teachers' pedagogical practices and which enables them build knowledge beyond the inherent content of the area of knowledge and the didactic-pedagogical specificities of teaching.